Commit 2023-07-24 07:23 f5c15b35

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refactor: turn DimensionLEOne into a class (#5833) The predicate that a ring has Krull dimension at most one was a regular def. I believe we should turn it into a class because:

  • The property follows from the ring structure, e.g. because it is a PID or because it is an integral closure.
  • We pass it around as a whole hypothesis, something instance synthesis can deal well with.
  • It makes the definition of IsDedekindDomain the conjunction of a number of classes, so we could switch to extends for all its fields. The main change in API is the addition of Ideal.IsPrime.isMaximal which is a restatement of the Krull dimension property with convenient dot notation: turn a prime ideal into a maximal ideal given the hypothesis that it's not zero. Zulip thread:

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