Commit 2024-04-05 23:45 f7519d5e

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chore(Algebra/BigOperators/List): Use Std lemmas (#11725)

  • Make Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic, Data.List.Chain not depend on Data.Nat.Order.Basic by using Nat-specific Std lemmas rather than general mathlib ones. I leave the Data.Nat.Basic import since Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic is algebra territory.
  • Make Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic not depend on Algebra.Divisibility.Basic. I'm not too sure about that one since they already are algebra. My motivation is that they involve ring-like objects while big operators are about group-like objects, but this is in some sense a second order refactor.
  • As a consequence, move the divisibility and MonoidWithZero lemmas from Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic to Algebra.BigOperators.List.Lemmas.
  • Move the content of Algebra.BigOperators.List.Defs to Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic since no file imported the former without the latter and their imports are becoming very close after this PR.
  • Make Data.List.Count, Data.List.Dedup, Data.List.ProdSigma, Data.List.Zip not depend on Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic.
  • As a consequence, move the big operators lemmas that were in there to Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic. For the lemmas that were Nat -specific, keep a version of them stated using Nat.sum.
  • To help with this, add Nat.sum_eq_listSum (l : List Nat) : Nat.sum l = l.sum.

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