Commit 2022-11-28 17:28 f784a3c7

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feat: port control.functor (#612) mathlib3 SHA: 71ca477041bcd6d7c745fe555dc49735c12944b7

  • depends on: #588 Notes:
  1. There is a discrepancy between the Lean 3 and Lean 4 types of has_seq.seq and Seq.seq. I added an for alignment.
  2. There were one or two places where the existing simp or rw calls didn't succeed, but I'm not entirely sure why.
  3. In Functor.Comp.functor_comp_id and Functor.Comp.functor_id_comp I had to use Id instead of id, because only the former has the Monad instance.
  4. I had to change the imports, but I think what is there now is minimal.

Estimated changes

added def Functor.AddConst
added theorem Functor.Comp.map_mk
added def
added def
added def Functor.Comp
added def
added def Functor.Const
added def Functor.Liftp
added def Functor.Liftr
added theorem Functor.ext
added theorem Functor.map_comp_map
added theorem Functor.map_id
added theorem Functor.of_mem_supp
added def Functor.supp
added def