Commit 2024-04-06 10:45 f9e043cb

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chore(Data/List): Do not depend on algebra (#11845) Remove dependencies on algebra in the Data.List folder except for:

  • Data.List.EditDistance: Actually relies on algebra. Maybe should be moved?
  • Data.List.Card: Completely unused and redundant.
  • Data.List.Cycle: Relies on Fintype, which shouldn't rely on algebra but it's hard to fix right now. Maybe should be moved?
  • Data.List.Func: Completely unused and redundant.
  • Data.List.Lex: That's order theory. Could be moved.
  • Data.List.Prime. That's algebra. Should definitely be moved.
  • Data.List.Sym: Relies on Multiset, which shouldn't rely on algebra but it's hard to fix right now. Maybe should be moved?
  • Data.List.ToFinsupp: That's algebra. Should definitely be moved. As a consequence, move the big operators lemmas that were in there to Algebra.BigOperators.List.Basic. For the lemmas that were Nat-specific and not about auxiliary definitions, keep a version of them in the original file but stated using Nat.sum. Before pre_11845 After post_11845

Estimated changes

added theorem List.Perm.prod_eq'
added theorem List.Perm.prod_eq
added theorem List.countP_bind
added theorem List.countP_join
added theorem List.count_bind
added theorem List.count_join
added theorem List.drop_sum_join
added theorem List.length_bind
added theorem List.length_join
added theorem List.prod_reverse
added theorem List.take_sum_join
added theorem List.countP_bind'
deleted theorem List.countP_bind
added theorem List.countP_join'
deleted theorem List.countP_join
added theorem List.count_bind'
deleted theorem List.count_bind
added theorem List.count_join'
deleted theorem List.count_join
added theorem List.drop_sum_join'
deleted theorem List.drop_sum_join
added theorem List.length_bind'
deleted theorem List.length_bind
added theorem List.length_join'
deleted theorem List.length_join
added theorem List.take_sum_join'
deleted theorem List.take_sum_join