Commit 2023-12-04 15:55 fba9b451

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feat: (if P then 1 else 0) • a (#8347) Two simple lemmas, smul_ite_zero, and ite_smul_zero. Also delete Finset.sum_univ_ite since it is now provable by simp thanks to these. Rename and turn around the following to match the direction that simp goes in:

  • ite_mul_zero_leftite_zero_mul
  • ite_mul_zero_rightmul_ite_zero
  • ite_and_mul_zeroite_zero_mul_ite_zero

Estimated changes

deleted theorem ite_and_mul_zero
deleted theorem ite_mul_zero_left
deleted theorem ite_mul_zero_right
added theorem ite_zero_mul
added theorem ite_zero_mul_ite_zero
added theorem mul_ite_zero