Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-08-28 15:05 2b9c9a80

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refactor(analysis): add nndist; add finite product of metric spaces; prepare for normed spaces

Estimated changes

added theorem coe_dist
deleted def dist
added theorem dist_pi_def
added theorem eq_of_nndist_eq_zero
added def nndist
added theorem nndist_comm
added theorem nndist_eq_zero
added theorem nndist_self
added theorem nndist_triangle
added theorem nndist_triangle_left
added theorem nndist_triangle_right
added theorem zero_eq_nndist
added theorem finset.image_const
modified theorem finset.inf_insert
modified theorem finset.inf_singleton
modified theorem finset.inf_union
added theorem finset.le_inf_iff
added theorem finset.max_singleton'
modified theorem finset.sup_insert
added theorem finset.sup_le_iff
modified theorem finset.sup_singleton
modified theorem finset.sup_union