Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-08-21 19:52 57e127a5

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refactor(order/complete_lattice): use is_empty (#8796)

  • change set.univ_eq_empty_iff to use is_empty;
  • rename set.range_eq_empty to set.range_eq_empty_iff;
  • add new set.range_eq_empty, it assumes [is_empty α];
  • combine supr_of_empty, supr_of_empty', and supr_empty into supr_of_empty, same for infi;
  • replace csupr_neg with csupr_of_empty and csupr_false;
  • adjust some proofs to use casesI is_empty_of_nonempty α instead of by_cases h : nonempty α.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem infi_empty
modified theorem infi_of_empty'
modified theorem infi_of_empty
deleted theorem supr_empty
modified theorem supr_of_empty'
modified theorem supr_of_empty