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Commit 2022-10-18 21:51 9407b033

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chore(logic/equiv/basic): split into two files (#17038) A fairly easy split of logic.equiv.basic into logic.equiv.defs (containing the stuff with very little prerequisites, and which suffices for many other files), and logic.equiv.basic (the stuff that requires other imports from around logic.*). logic.equiv.basic is still a ~1500 line file, so I'd like to split it further shortly.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq
deleted theorem equiv.apply_symm_apply
deleted def equiv.arrow_congr'
deleted theorem equiv.arrow_congr'_refl
deleted theorem equiv.arrow_congr'_symm
deleted theorem equiv.arrow_congr'_trans
deleted def equiv.arrow_congr
deleted theorem equiv.arrow_congr_comp
deleted theorem equiv.arrow_congr_refl
deleted theorem equiv.arrow_congr_symm
deleted theorem equiv.arrow_congr_trans
deleted theorem equiv.bijective_comp
deleted theorem equiv.cast_apply
deleted theorem equiv.cast_eq_iff_heq
deleted theorem equiv.cast_refl
deleted theorem equiv.cast_symm
deleted theorem equiv.cast_trans
deleted theorem equiv.coe_fn_injective
deleted theorem equiv.coe_fn_mk
deleted theorem equiv.coe_fn_symm_mk
deleted theorem equiv.coe_refl
deleted theorem equiv.coe_trans
deleted theorem equiv.comp_bijective
deleted theorem equiv.comp_injective
deleted theorem equiv.comp_surjective
deleted theorem equiv.comp_symm_eq
deleted def equiv.conj
deleted theorem equiv.conj_comp
deleted theorem equiv.conj_refl
deleted theorem equiv.conj_symm
deleted theorem equiv.conj_trans
deleted theorem equiv.eq_comp_symm
deleted theorem equiv.eq_symm_apply
deleted theorem equiv.eq_symm_comp
deleted def equiv.equiv_congr
deleted theorem equiv.equiv_congr_refl
deleted theorem equiv.equiv_congr_symm
deleted theorem equiv.equiv_congr_trans
deleted def equiv.equiv_empty
deleted def equiv.equiv_pempty
deleted def equiv.equiv_punit
deleted theorem equiv.ext
deleted theorem equiv.ext_iff
deleted def equiv.fun_unique
deleted theorem equiv.injective_comp
deleted theorem equiv.inv_fun_as_coe
deleted theorem equiv.left_inverse_symm
deleted theorem equiv.nonempty_congr
deleted def equiv.of_iff
deleted theorem equiv.perm.ext
deleted theorem equiv.perm.ext_iff
deleted def equiv.perm
deleted def equiv.perm_congr
deleted theorem equiv.perm_congr_apply
deleted theorem equiv.perm_congr_def
deleted theorem equiv.perm_congr_refl
deleted theorem equiv.perm_congr_symm
deleted theorem equiv.perm_congr_trans
deleted theorem equiv.refl_apply
deleted theorem equiv.refl_symm
deleted theorem equiv.refl_trans
deleted theorem equiv.right_inverse_symm
deleted theorem equiv.self_comp_symm
deleted theorem equiv.self_trans_symm
deleted def equiv.sigma_assoc
deleted def equiv.sigma_congr
deleted theorem equiv.subsingleton_congr
deleted theorem equiv.surjective_comp
deleted theorem equiv.symm_apply_apply
deleted theorem equiv.symm_apply_eq
deleted theorem equiv.symm_comp_eq
deleted theorem equiv.symm_comp_self
deleted theorem equiv.symm_symm
deleted theorem equiv.symm_symm_apply
deleted theorem equiv.symm_trans_apply
deleted theorem equiv.symm_trans_self
deleted theorem equiv.to_fun_as_coe
deleted theorem equiv.trans_apply
deleted theorem equiv.trans_assoc
deleted theorem equiv.trans_refl
deleted structure equiv
deleted theorem quot.congr_mk
deleted theorem quotient.congr_mk
added theorem equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq
added theorem equiv.apply_symm_apply
added theorem equiv.arrow_congr_comp
added theorem equiv.arrow_congr_refl
added theorem equiv.arrow_congr_symm
added theorem equiv.bijective_comp
added theorem equiv.cast_apply
added theorem equiv.cast_eq_iff_heq
added theorem equiv.cast_refl
added theorem equiv.cast_symm
added theorem equiv.cast_trans
added theorem equiv.coe_fn_injective
added theorem equiv.coe_fn_mk
added theorem equiv.coe_fn_symm_mk
added theorem equiv.coe_refl
added theorem equiv.coe_trans
added theorem equiv.comp_bijective
added theorem equiv.comp_injective
added theorem equiv.comp_surjective
added theorem equiv.comp_symm_eq
added def equiv.conj
added theorem equiv.conj_comp
added theorem equiv.conj_refl
added theorem equiv.conj_symm
added theorem equiv.conj_trans
added theorem equiv.eq_comp_symm
added theorem equiv.eq_symm_apply
added theorem equiv.eq_symm_comp
added theorem equiv.equiv_congr_refl
added theorem equiv.equiv_congr_symm
added theorem equiv.ext
added theorem equiv.ext_iff
added def equiv.fun_unique
added theorem equiv.injective_comp
added theorem equiv.inv_fun_as_coe
added theorem equiv.nonempty_congr
added def equiv.of_iff
added theorem equiv.perm.ext
added theorem equiv.perm.ext_iff
added def equiv.perm
added def equiv.perm_congr
added theorem equiv.perm_congr_apply
added theorem equiv.perm_congr_def
added theorem equiv.perm_congr_refl
added theorem equiv.perm_congr_symm
added theorem equiv.perm_congr_trans
added theorem equiv.refl_apply
added theorem equiv.refl_symm
added theorem equiv.refl_trans
added theorem equiv.self_comp_symm
added theorem equiv.self_trans_symm
added theorem equiv.surjective_comp
added theorem equiv.symm_apply_apply
added theorem equiv.symm_apply_eq
added theorem equiv.symm_comp_eq
added theorem equiv.symm_comp_self
added theorem equiv.symm_symm
added theorem equiv.symm_symm_apply
added theorem equiv.symm_trans_apply
added theorem equiv.symm_trans_self
added theorem equiv.to_fun_as_coe
added theorem equiv.trans_apply
added theorem equiv.trans_assoc
added theorem equiv.trans_refl
added structure equiv
added theorem quot.congr_mk
added theorem quotient.congr_mk