Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-03-13 09:00 b54960d1

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refactor(*): migrate some files to bundled ring homs (#2133)

  • refactor(*): migrate some files to bundled ring homs
  • Rename ring_hom.is_local back to is_local_ring_hom
  • Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Johan Commelin
  • Restore 2 instances, make map use bundled homs
  • More bundled homs
  • Add a docstring

Estimated changes

modified theorem adjoin_root.coe_injective
modified theorem adjoin_root.eval₂_root
modified theorem adjoin_root.is_root_root
modified def adjoin_root.lift
modified theorem adjoin_root.lift_mk
modified theorem adjoin_root.lift_of
modified theorem adjoin_root.lift_root
modified def
added theorem adjoin_root.mk_C
modified theorem adjoin_root.mk_self
modified def adjoin_root.of
modified def adjoin_root.root
modified def adjoin_root