Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-09-20 14:59 b7cc093e

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chore(topology/constructions): use variables (#16562) Also move continuous_pi_iff up and golf its proof.

Estimated changes

modified theorem continuous.update
modified theorem continuous_apply
modified theorem continuous_apply_apply
modified theorem continuous_at.update
modified theorem continuous_at_apply
modified theorem continuous_at_pi
modified theorem continuous_pi
modified theorem continuous_pi_iff
modified theorem continuous_update
modified theorem filter.tendsto.apply
modified theorem filter.tendsto.update
modified theorem inducing_infi_to_pi
modified theorem interior_pi_set
modified theorem is_closed_set_pi
modified theorem is_open_set_pi
modified theorem mem_nhds_of_pi_mem_nhds
modified theorem nhds_pi
modified theorem pi_eq_generate_from
modified theorem pi_generate_from_eq
modified theorem pi_generate_from_eq_finite
modified theorem set_pi_mem_nhds
modified theorem set_pi_mem_nhds_iff
modified theorem tendsto_pi_nhds