Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-01-12 19:31 c1894c88

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chore(analysis|measure_theory|topology): give tsum notation precedence 67 (#5709) This saves us a lot of () In particular, lean no longer thinks that ∑' i, f i = 37 is a tsum of propositions.

Estimated changes

modified theorem equiv.tsum_eq
modified theorem has_sum.tsum_eq
modified theorem summable.has_sum_iff
modified theorem summable.tsum_mul_left
modified theorem tsum_add
modified theorem tsum_eq_zero_iff
modified theorem tsum_fintype
modified theorem tsum_ite_eq
modified theorem tsum_le_tsum
modified theorem tsum_neg
modified theorem tsum_nonneg
modified theorem tsum_nonpos
modified theorem tsum_smul
modified theorem tsum_sub
modified theorem tsum_zero