Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-05-17 12:38 d201a182

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refactor(algebra/homology/homotopy): avoid needing has_zero_object (#7621) A refactor of the definition of homotopy, so we don't need has_zero_object.

Estimated changes

added def d_next
added theorem d_next_comp_left
added theorem d_next_comp_right
added theorem d_next_eq
deleted def from_next'
deleted theorem from_next'_add
deleted theorem from_next'_comp_left
deleted theorem from_next'_comp_right
deleted theorem from_next'_eq
deleted theorem from_next'_neg
deleted theorem from_next'_zero
added def from_next
deleted theorem homotopy.comm
deleted def homotopy.from_next
deleted def homotopy.to_prev
added def prev_d
added theorem prev_d_comp_left
added theorem prev_d_eq
added theorem prev_d_eq_to_prev_d_to
deleted def to_prev'
deleted theorem to_prev'_add
deleted theorem to_prev'_comp_left
deleted theorem to_prev'_eq
deleted theorem to_prev'_neg
deleted theorem to_prev'_zero
added def to_prev