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Commit 2021-10-31 17:26 f2b77d7d

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refactor(set_theory/cardinal): swap sides of simp lemmas (#10040)

API changes

Swap sides of simp lemmas

  • cardinal.add_def is no loner a simp lemma, cardinal.mk_sum (renamed from cardinal.add) simplifies #(α ⊕ β) to lift.{v u} (#α) + lift.{u v} (#β);
  • cardinal.mul_def is no loner a simp lemma, cardinal.mk_prod (merged with cardinal.mul) simplifies #(α × β) to lift.{v u} (#α) * lift.{u v} (#β);
  • cardinal.power_def is no longer a simp lemma. New lemma cardinal.mk_arrow computes #(α → β). It is not a simp lemma because it follows from other simp lemmas.
  • replace cardinal.sum_mk with cardinal.mk_sigma and cardinal.prod_mk with cardinal.mk_pi;

Other changes

  • new lemmas @[simp] cardinal.lift_uzero and cardinal.lift_umax';
  • split cardinal.linear_order into cardinal.preorder (doesn't rely on classical.choice), cardinal.partial_order (needs classical.choice, computable), and cardinal.linear_order (noncomputable);
  • add cardinal.lift_order_embedding;
  • add cardinal.mk_psum;
  • rename cardinal.prop_eq_two to cardinal.mk_Prop, drop the old mk_Prop;
  • use local notation for natural power;
  • rename old sum_const to sum_const', the new @[simp] lemma sum_const is what used to be sum_const_eq_lift_mul;
  • rename old prod_const to prod_const', the new @[simp] lemma prod_const deals with types in different universes;
  • add @[simp] to cardinal.prod_eq_zero and cardinal.omega_le_mk;
  • add @[simp] lemmas cardinal.mk_eq_one, cardinal.mk_vector, cardinal.omega_mul_eq, and cardinal.mul_omega_eq;
  • replace mk_plift_of_true and mk_plift_of_false with mk_plift_true and mk_plift_false;
  • mk_list_eq_mk and mk_finset_eq_mk now assume [infinite α] instead of ω ≤ #α.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem cardinal.add
modified theorem cardinal.add_def
modified theorem cardinal.cantor
added theorem cardinal.lift_umax'
added theorem cardinal.lift_uzero
modified theorem cardinal.mk_Prop
added theorem cardinal.mk_arrow
modified theorem cardinal.mk_empty
added theorem cardinal.mk_eq_one
modified theorem cardinal.mk_list_eq_sum_pow
modified theorem cardinal.mk_pempty
added theorem cardinal.mk_pi
deleted theorem cardinal.mk_plift_of_true
added theorem cardinal.mk_plift_true
modified theorem cardinal.mk_prod
added theorem cardinal.mk_psum
modified theorem cardinal.mk_punit
modified theorem cardinal.mk_set
added theorem cardinal.mk_sigma
added theorem cardinal.mk_sum
modified theorem cardinal.mk_unit
added theorem cardinal.mk_vector
deleted theorem cardinal.mul
modified theorem cardinal.mul_def
modified theorem cardinal.omega_le_mk
modified theorem cardinal.omega_mul_omega
modified theorem cardinal.power_def
added theorem cardinal.prod_const'
modified theorem cardinal.prod_const
modified theorem cardinal.prod_eq_zero
deleted theorem cardinal.prod_mk
deleted theorem cardinal.prop_eq_two
added theorem cardinal.sum_const'
modified theorem cardinal.sum_const
deleted theorem cardinal.sum_mk