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Commit 2021-10-26 20:05 2a32c70c

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refactor(linear_algebra/matrix/nonsingular_inverse): split out files for adjugate and nondegenerate (#9974) This breaks the file roughly in two, and rescues lost lemmas that ended up in the wrong sections of the file. The module docstrings have been tweaked a little, but all the lemmas have just been moved around.

Estimated changes

added def matrix.adjugate
added theorem matrix.adjugate_apply
added theorem matrix.adjugate_def
added theorem matrix.adjugate_mul
added theorem matrix.adjugate_one
added theorem matrix.adjugate_pow
added theorem matrix.adjugate_smul
added theorem matrix.adjugate_zero
added def matrix.cramer
added theorem matrix.cramer_apply
added theorem matrix.cramer_one
added theorem matrix.cramer_row_self
added theorem matrix.cramer_smul
added theorem matrix.cramer_zero
added theorem matrix.mul_adjugate
added theorem matrix.mul_vec_cramer
added theorem matrix.sum_cramer
added theorem ring_hom.map_adjugate
deleted def matrix.adjugate
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_apply
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_def
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_fin_one
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_fin_two'
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_fin_two
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_fin_zero
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_mul
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_one
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_pow
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_smul
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_transpose
deleted theorem matrix.adjugate_zero
deleted def matrix.cramer
deleted theorem matrix.cramer_apply
deleted theorem matrix.cramer_is_linear
deleted def matrix.cramer_map
deleted theorem matrix.cramer_one
deleted theorem matrix.cramer_row_self
deleted theorem matrix.cramer_smul
deleted theorem matrix.cramer_zero
deleted theorem matrix.mul_adjugate
deleted theorem matrix.mul_adjugate_apply
deleted theorem matrix.mul_vec_cramer
deleted theorem matrix.sum_cramer
deleted theorem matrix.sum_cramer_apply
deleted theorem ring_hom.map_adjugate