Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-12-07 17:24 f09abb1c

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feat(data/finsupp): add type of functions with finite support

Estimated changes

added theorem finsupp.add_apply
added theorem finsupp.ext
added theorem finsupp.finite_supp
added theorem finsupp.map_domain_add
added theorem finsupp.map_domain_id
added theorem finsupp.map_domain_sum
added theorem finsupp.mul_def
added theorem finsupp.neg_apply
added theorem finsupp.one_def
added theorem finsupp.prod_single
added def finsupp.single
added theorem finsupp.single_add
added theorem finsupp.single_apply
added theorem finsupp.single_eq_same
added theorem finsupp.single_zero
added theorem finsupp.sub_apply
added def finsupp.sum
added theorem finsupp.sum_add
added theorem finsupp.sum_add_index
added theorem finsupp.sum_apply
added theorem finsupp.sum_neg
added theorem finsupp.sum_neg_index
added theorem finsupp.sum_single
added theorem finsupp.sum_sub_index
added theorem finsupp.sum_sum_index
added theorem finsupp.sum_zero
added theorem finsupp.sum_zero_index
added def
added theorem finsupp.support_add
added theorem finsupp.support_sum
added theorem finsupp.support_zero
added def finsupp.to_ring
added theorem finsupp.zero_apply
added def finsupp.zip_with
added theorem finsupp.zip_with_apply
added def finsupp