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Commit 2023-05-30 23:18 32837559

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chore(archive + counterexamples): namespaces imo, theorems_100, counterexample, plus three more (#19129) This PR is a revision of #19122: it addresses namespacing in archive and counterexamples. The main difference with #19122 is that it adds namespaces less aggressively: I added a namespace only if there was not an explicit namespace after the initial "fluff". In counterexamples, I added namespaces to all files. I introduced three "main" namespaces: imo, theorems_100, counterexample (the last one singular). Besides these, I also introduced the namespaces prop_encodable, oxford_invariants, sensitivity, to cover the left-over files in archive. Note that if a file has namespace early on, then it does not get a new namespace, even though it might be desirable for it to have one. Comments are very welcome! Note: besides adding namespaces, the only files that I had to manually edit are the ones in

  • commit d337b99e3e6d147d440c91874d1809a3ee04ff16 -- I do not like these changes, but currently do not see how to avoid them;
  • commit 48471f35ec9f9929dd35363ee176f8c889042f6e -- I removed an pre-existing namespace, replacing it by open <itself>. Zulip discussion: this PR is motivated by the desire to port to mathlib4 the files in archive, counterexamples, taking advantage of mathport. The namespacing helps with avoiding clashes among names of declarations, as well as one-lettered declarations in the root namespace.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem coeff_indicator
deleted theorem coeff_indicator_neg
deleted theorem coeff_indicator_pos
deleted theorem coeff_prod_range
deleted theorem constant_coeff_indicator
deleted def cut
deleted theorem cut_empty_succ
deleted theorem cut_equiv_antidiag
deleted theorem cut_insert
deleted theorem cut_zero
deleted theorem distinct_gf_prop
deleted def indicator_series
deleted theorem mem_cut
deleted def mk_odd
deleted theorem num_series'
deleted theorem odd_gf_prop
deleted def partial_distinct_gf
deleted theorem partial_distinct_gf_prop
deleted theorem partial_gf_prop
deleted def partial_odd_gf
deleted theorem partial_odd_gf_prop
deleted theorem partition_theorem
deleted theorem same_coeffs
deleted theorem same_gf
added def theorems_100.cut
added theorem theorems_100.cut_zero
added theorem theorems_100.mem_cut
added theorem theorems_100.same_gf
deleted theorem two_series
added structure theorems_100.«82».cube
deleted theorem «82».Ico_lemma
deleted theorem «82».b_le_b
deleted def «82».bcubes
deleted theorem «82».bottom_mem_side
deleted theorem «82».cannot_cube_a_cube
deleted theorem «82».correct.w_ne_one
deleted theorem «82».correct.zero_le_b
deleted structure «82».correct
deleted theorem «82».cube.b_lt_xm
deleted theorem «82».cube.b_mem_bottom
deleted theorem «82».cube.b_mem_side
deleted theorem «82».cube.b_mem_to_set
deleted theorem «82».cube.b_ne_xm
deleted def «82».cube.bottom
deleted theorem «82».cube.head_shift_up
deleted theorem «82».cube.hw'
deleted def «82».cube.side
deleted theorem «82».cube.side_nonempty
deleted theorem «82».cube.side_tail
deleted theorem «82».cube.tail_shift_up
deleted def «82».cube.to_set
deleted theorem «82».cube.to_set_subset
deleted theorem «82».cube.univ_pi_side
deleted def «82».cube.xm
deleted structure «82».cube
deleted theorem «82».exists_mi
deleted def «82».mi
deleted theorem «82».mi_mem_bcubes
deleted theorem «82».mi_minimal
deleted theorem «82».mi_not_on_boundary
deleted theorem «82».mi_strict_minimal
deleted theorem «82».mi_xm_ne_one
deleted theorem «82».nonempty_bcubes
deleted theorem «82».nontrivial_bcubes
deleted theorem «82».not_correct
deleted def «82».on_boundary
deleted theorem «82».t_le_t
deleted theorem «82».tail_sub
deleted def «82».valley
deleted theorem «82».valley_mi
deleted theorem «82».valley_unit_cube
deleted theorem «82».w_lt_w
deleted def exists_politician
deleted def friendship
deleted theorem friendship_theorem
deleted def mk_fn0
deleted def mk_fn1
deleted def mk_fn2
added inductive prop_encodable.prop_form
deleted inductive prop_form
deleted theorem calculation
added theorem imo.calculation
added theorem imo.imo1959_q1
deleted theorem imo1959_q1
deleted theorem alt_equiv
deleted def alt_formula
deleted theorem cos_sum_equiv
deleted theorem finding_zeros
deleted theorem formula
added theorem imo.alt_equiv
added def imo.alt_formula
added theorem imo.cos_sum_equiv
added theorem imo.finding_zeros
added theorem imo.formula
added theorem imo.imo1962_q4'
added theorem imo.imo1962_q4
added def imo.solution_set
added theorem imo.solve_cos2_half
added theorem imo.solve_cos2x_0
added theorem imo.solve_cos3x_0
deleted theorem imo1962_q4'
deleted theorem imo1962_q4
deleted def problem_equation
deleted def solution_set
deleted theorem solve_cos2_half
deleted theorem solve_cos2x_0
deleted theorem solve_cos3x_0
added theorem imo.imo1977_q6
added theorem imo.imo1977_q6_nat
deleted theorem imo1977_q6
deleted theorem imo1977_q6_nat
added theorem imo.imo1994_q1
added theorem imo.tedious
deleted theorem imo1994_q1
deleted theorem tedious
deleted def A
deleted theorem A_card_lower_bound
deleted theorem A_card_upper_bound
deleted theorem A_fibre_over_contestant
deleted theorem A_fibre_over_judge_pair
deleted theorem add_sq_add_sq_sub
deleted def agreed_contestants
deleted def agreed_triple
deleted theorem clear_denominators
added def imo.A
added theorem imo.A_card_lower_bound
added theorem imo.A_card_upper_bound
added theorem imo.add_sq_add_sq_sub
added theorem imo.clear_denominators
added theorem imo.imo1998_q2
added def imo.judge_pair
deleted theorem imo1998_q2
deleted def judge_pair.agree
deleted def judge_pair.distinct
deleted def judge_pair.judge₁
deleted def judge_pair.judge₂
deleted def judge_pair
deleted theorem norm_bound_of_odd_sum
deleted theorem bound
deleted theorem denom_pos
added theorem imo.bound
added theorem imo.denom_pos
added theorem imo.imo2001_q2'
added theorem imo.imo2001_q2
deleted theorem imo2001_q2'
deleted theorem imo2001_q2
added theorem imo.imo2005_q3
added theorem imo.key_insight
deleted theorem imo2005_q3
deleted theorem key_insight
deleted theorem four_pow_four_pos
added theorem imo.four_pow_four_pos
added theorem imo.imo2006_q3
added theorem imo.lhs_identity
added theorem imo.lhs_ineq
added theorem imo.mid_ineq
added theorem imo.proof₁
added theorem imo.proof₂
added theorem imo.rhs_ineq
added theorem imo.subst_proof₁
added theorem imo.subst_wlog
added theorem imo.zero_lt_32
deleted theorem imo2006_q3
deleted theorem lhs_identity
deleted theorem lhs_ineq
deleted theorem mid_ineq
deleted theorem proof₁
deleted theorem proof₂
deleted theorem rhs_ineq
deleted theorem subst_proof₁
deleted theorem subst_wlog
deleted theorem zero_lt_32
added theorem imo.imo2008_q2a
added theorem imo.imo2008_q2b
added theorem imo.subst_abc
deleted theorem imo2008_q2a
deleted theorem imo2008_q2b
deleted def rational_solutions
deleted theorem subst_abc
added theorem imo.imo2008_q3
added theorem imo.p_lemma
deleted theorem imo2008_q3
deleted theorem p_lemma
deleted theorem arith_lemma
added theorem imo.arith_lemma
added theorem imo.imo2013_q1
added theorem imo.prod_lemma
deleted theorem imo2013_q1
deleted theorem prod_lemma
deleted theorem f_pos_of_pos
deleted theorem fixed_point_of_gt_1
deleted theorem fx_gt_xm1
added theorem imo.f_pos_of_pos
added theorem imo.fx_gt_xm1
added theorem imo.imo2013_q5
added theorem imo.pow_f_le_f_pow
deleted theorem imo2013_q5
deleted theorem le_of_all_pow_lt_succ'
deleted theorem le_of_all_pow_lt_succ
deleted theorem pow_f_le_f_pow
added theorem imo.imo2019_q2
added structure imo.imo2019q2_cfg
deleted theorem imo2019_q2
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A_ne_A₁
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A_ne_B
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A_ne_C
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A₁_ne_B
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A₁_ne_C
deleted def imo2019q2_cfg.A₂
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A₂_ne_A
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A₂_ne_B
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A₂_ne_C
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A₂_ne_P
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.B_ne_C
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.B₁_ne_C
deleted def imo2019q2_cfg.B₂
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.B₂_ne_B
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.B₂_ne_Q
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.P_mem_ω
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.P₁_mem_ω
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.Q_mem_ω
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.Q_ne_B
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.Q₁_mem_ω
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.result
deleted def imo2019q2_cfg.symm
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.symm_A₂
deleted theorem imo2019q2_cfg.symm_ω
deleted def imo2019q2_cfg.ω
deleted structure imo2019q2_cfg
deleted def some_orientation
deleted theorem Q.adj_iff_proj_adj
deleted theorem Q.adj_iff_proj_eq
deleted theorem Q.adjacent.symm
deleted def Q.adjacent
deleted theorem Q.card
deleted theorem Q.not_adjacent_zero
deleted theorem Q.succ_n_eq
deleted def V
deleted theorem dim_V
deleted def dual_bases_e_ε
deleted theorem duality
deleted theorem e_zero_apply
deleted theorem epsilon_total
deleted theorem exists_eigenvalue
deleted theorem f_image_g
deleted theorem f_matrix
deleted theorem f_squared
deleted theorem f_succ_apply
deleted theorem f_zero
deleted theorem finrank_V
deleted theorem g_apply
deleted theorem g_injective
deleted theorem huang_degree_theorem
added theorem sensitivity.Q.card
added def sensitivity.V
added theorem sensitivity.dim_V
added theorem sensitivity.duality
added theorem sensitivity.f_image_g
added theorem sensitivity.f_matrix
added theorem sensitivity.f_squared
added theorem sensitivity.f_zero
added theorem sensitivity.finrank_V
added theorem sensitivity.g_apply
added def sensitivity.π
deleted def π
deleted def discrete_copy
deleted def phillips_1940.f
deleted theorem phillips_1940.norm_bound
deleted def phillips_1940.spf
deleted def B
deleted theorem B_apply
deleted theorem B_ne_zero
added def counterexample.B
added theorem counterexample.B_apply
added theorem counterexample.{u}
deleted theorem is_alt_B
deleted theorem is_symm_B
deleted theorem {u}
deleted def sorgenfrey_line
deleted theorem F.f010
deleted theorem F.f011
deleted theorem F.f110
deleted theorem F.f111
deleted theorem F.f1
deleted def F.val
deleted theorem F.z01
added theorem counterexample.F.f010
added theorem counterexample.F.f011
added theorem counterexample.F.f110
added theorem counterexample.F.f111
added theorem counterexample.F.f1
added theorem counterexample.F.z01
deleted def list.drop_until
deleted theorem single_zero_one
deleted theorem zero_divisors_of_periodic
deleted theorem zero_divisors_of_torsion